The Gabon Jewish community is a young group near the Cameroonian border, led by Pascal Meka Ngomo. Pascal was an evangelical preacher who was directed in a dream to leave the “false god” and instead worship the God of Israel. This decision lost his friends, influence, and pharmacy business; he was cast out from his community. However, he is slowly but surely building a new Jewish community. The group changed their Sabbath practice from Sunday to Saturday and has started moving towards kashrut observance. Their practice is in the early stages of development. Women take on prominent leadership roles in prayer services when Pascal is absent.
In 2014, Kulanu’s vice-president Rabbi Bonita Sussman and her husband Rabbi Gerald Sussman made the first Kulanu visit to Gabon. They hung the community’s first mezuzah and taught them to say shema. Gabon’s Jewish education is ongoing: Serge Etele from the Cote d’Ivoire community has visited a number of times to assist with Jewish learning and practice. We are delighted to see Kulanu communities sharing knowledge with one another!
Useful Resources:
Photos and Videos from Gabon
- Photos from Gabon, 2014
- Video interview (in French)
Articles and Links
- Judaism in Cote d’Ivoire and Gabon by Bonita Sussman (2014)
Libreville and ___, Gabon
Official language: French
Local language: ____