
Thank you for donating to Kulanu! Use the form below to donate online. You can also send a check in US dollars payable to Kulanu, 82 Nassau Street, #443, New York, NY 10038, USA. Please include your name, address, email, and phone with your donation.

Our taxpayer ID number is 52-1919094. For more details about our tax exemption and our Form 990’s, see

Once a year, we honor all those who donate $100 or more in our magazines, Kulanu News.  If you wish to remain anonymous, please say so in the comments field.

If you wish to donate in honor or memory of someone, please provide the name of the honoree or person you are remembering and the name and mailing address of a contact person in the comments field. We will notify them that a donation has been made in their honor or in memory of their loved one. You will both be listed in the spring Kulanu magazine. Please consider making a legacy gift to continue the work of Kulanu.

We invite you to become a member of Kulanu’s monthly supporters’ program called Ohavei Olam, which means “lovers of the world” in Hebrew.  These ongoing donations gives Kulanu stability in funding to carry out projects at short notice wherever and whenever the need is greatest.  To become a member of Ohavei Olam, simply select “monthly” under Gift Information below. Any amount makes a big difference.

If you wish to restrict your gift to one of our funds, please choose “other restricted” and specify the fund in the comments field below.* Please note, that without specification, your donation will go where it is needed most.

We are registered with GuideStar, a nonprofit watch organization that checks the legitimacy of fundraising groups like us. Our profile is available here.

 * 10% deduction is taken from all restricted donations to support the operating budget.  

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