Since 2020, Kulanu has been connecting our partner communities and supporters over zoom. These sessions have enabled “all of us” to stay connected and learn from one another across the miles. Please scroll down to view all the Zoom sessions that Kulanu has produced since 2020.
(There is a full directory at the end of this webpage with all the titles.)
Click here to watch the “Kulanu Matters” podcast.
December 30, 2024
Thank you to our sponsors: Lillian Ain, Leah Golden, Linda Gruson, Leora Neal, and Rabbi Gerald and Bonita Sussman
December 29, 2024
Thank you to our sponsors: Lillian Ain, Wendy Dinner, Richard Frankoff, Leah Golden, Albert Schapiro, and Rabbi Gerald and Bonita Sussman
October 7, 2024
Thank you to our sponsors: Gail D Giacomini, Letitia Gomez, Denni Liebowitz, Ruth Nemzoff, Mira C Rivera, Joseph Samuels, Dianne Schlair, Charisse Smoller, and Rabbi Gerald and Bonita Sussman
September 26, 2024
Thank you to our sponsors: Aron and Karen Primack, Dianne Schlair, and Rabbi Gerald and Bonita Sussman
September 19, 2024
100 Brides Stories From Around the World with Barbara Vinick
Thank you to our sponsors: Adele Charness, Tonda Marton, Aron and Karen Primack, and Rabbi Gerald and Bonita Sussman
May 21, 2924
Abayudaya Online Concert Review: Jewish Soul Music from the Heart of Africa
Thank you to our sponsors: Adele Charness, Rene Feinstein, Margo Martin, Dr. Holly Shaw and Rabbi Gerald and Bonita Sussman.
March 7, 2023 – Kulanu Canada presentation
November 28, 2023
Responses to October 7 from Kulanu’s Network of Jewish Communities
May 5, 2023
Deaf Education Program in Uganda
Thank you to our sponsors: Hedy Cohen, Susan and Steve Goldberg, Karen Goldenberg, Jean I. Hoffman, Mary M. Oeser, Rabbi Gerald and Boni Sussman, and Judith Topilow, MD
Click here to donate to the Deaf Education Program.
March 2, 2023
The Past and Current Story of the Jews of Indonesia
February 6, 2023
Bonita Nathan Sussman and Rabbi Gerald Sussman: Is Judaism becoming a major black African religion?
November 15, 2022
Harriet Bograd Online Memorial
Special Holiday Zoom: Featuring two artists from Kulanu partner communities – author, Shoshana Nambi from Uganda, and singer, David Baliaba from Cameroon
Purchase Shoshana Nambi’s book online here. (Please click here for the activity book.)
Follow David Baliaba’s Facebook page here.
Thank you to our sponsors: Ruth ALexman, Lili Kaufmann, Janet Lipsey, and Rabbi Gerald, and Boni Sussman
Click here to fill out our feedback form. Thanks!
Zoom event to watch the new Kulanu video with “all of us”
Special Shavuot Lecture with Rabbi Dr. Ari Greenspan
In memory of Rabbi Dr. Moses Tendler: A rare breed of Torah scholar, microbiologist, polymath, a world expert on contemporary medical ethics, and an extraordinary example of the synthesis of Torah and Science.
Click here to view the special sharing session after the session.
April 6, 2022
Special Online Course about Matzah with Rabbi Dr. Ari Greenspan
Online Talk about the documentary: Xueta Island (A Film about the Jews of Majorca)
Featuring Dani Rotstein, the Jewish community leader in Majorca and the Film’s Co-Director
Thank you to our sponsors: Leslie Leb, and Rabbi Gerald, and Boni Sussman
Click here to visit our community page for Spain.
Click here to fill out our feedback form. Thanks!
Featuring the Prince Ndriana Rabarioelina of Madagascar speaking about the belief of the Malagasy people of their Israelite roots.
Watch the entire previously recorded speech from Prince Ndriana Rabarioelina
Thank you to our sponsors: Ruth Erulkar, Richard Marcus, and Rabbi Gerald and Boni Sussman
Click here to visit our community page for Madagascar.
Click here to fill out our feedback form. Thanks!
The Spanish Portuguese Synagogue in Indonesia
Featuring Yaakov Baruch, a community leader in Indonesia, with an introduction by Sjimon den Hollander.
Thank you to our sponsors: Blessing Dziwa, Richard Frankoff, Gary Katz, Lili Kaufmann, Alfred Munzer, Karen Primack, Rita G. Rubin, Ruth Rooks, Rabbi Gerald, and Boni Sussman, and Sheppard Wahnon
Click here to visit our community page for Indonesia.
Click here to fill out our feedback form. Thanks!
From Evangelical Bishop to Jewish Leader: The Jewish Communities of Cameroon
Thank you to our sponsors: Blessing Dziwa, Richard Frankoff, Janet Lipsey, Arlene Judith Alpert Mehlman, Jonathan Pollack, and Rabbi Gerald and Bonita Sussman
Click here to visit our community page for Cameroon.
Click here to fill out our feedback form. Thanks!
Heartache and Happiness on the Islands of Palms: The Story of the Jews of Majorca
Featuring Dani Rotstein, the community leader in Majorca
Thank you to our sponsors: Arlene Alpert, Richard Frankoff and Lilli Kaufmann
Click here to visit our community page for Spain.
Click here to fill out our feedback form. Thanks!
Jews that Speak Swahili and Arabic! The Jewish Community in Tanzania
View the additional videos from Tanzania here: Amir Yehuda and Efrat (7:43), Chanting (1:54), and Efrat (13:33)
Thank you to our sponsors: Bonnie Elozory, Richard Frankoff, Morris Fried, Lilli Kaufmann, Dan Levitsky, Jonathon K. Pollack, Rita Rubin, Rabbi Gerald, and Boni Sussman, Patricia-Anne Taylor Carousel, Shep Wahnon, and Barry Werner
Click here to visit our community page for Tanzania.
Click here to fill out our feedback form. Thanks!
Tales from India’s Bene Ephraim Jewish Community
View the complete videos from India here: Sadok Shares Bene Efraim Community History, Yacob Shows the Bene Efraim Synagogue, Bene Ephraim Community Tour, and Yacob Says Thanks
Thank you to our sponsors: Michelle Harrison, Lilli Kaufmann, and Rabbi Gerald, and Boni Sussman.
Click here to visit our community page for India.
Click here to fill out our feedback form. Thanks!
The 382 Year Story of Suriname’s Jewish Community
Woman Entrepreneurs of Uganda: Sanitary Pads, Soap, Masks, and More
Thank you to our sponsors: Ruth Erulkar, Margie Katz, Lilli Kaufmann, Sahra Merrill Kott, Deborah & Ron Plotkin, Joy Sandler, and Barbara Stone.
Click here to visit our community page for Uganda.
Click here to fill out our feedback form. Thanks!
November 5, 2020
The Backstory of Ethiopian Operation Moses: Witness Accounts
Sandy Leeder, Kulanu Board Member, tells a tale of escape, with two Ethiopian participants — Tesfey Aderajew, a translator, who accompanied Sandy across the Sudan, and Dvora Zina-Zer, a child during the rescue, who is now writing her doctoral thesis on the American Association for Ethiopian Jews. share this link
Thank you to our sponsors: Simon Aronin, Harriet Bograd and Ken Klein, Margie Katz, Lilli Kaufmann, Leslie Kott, Stefi Kirschner, Cantor Riki Lippitz , Joel Neuberg, Susan Pollack, Rabbi Gerald and Boni Sussman, Rabbi Marvin Tokayer, and Shep Wahnon.
Click here to visit our community page for Ethiopia.
Click here to fill out our feedback form. Thanks!
October 18, 2020
Jews in Ghana
Watch the film Doing Jewish, A Story from Ghana, and then see the discussion with director Gabrielle Zilkha, Ghanaian Jewish Cantor Samuel Tetteh, and Rabbi Eli Courante with Andria Spindel and Bonita Nathan Sussman. Share this link
Co-Sponsored by Kulanu Canada, Kulanu, and the Lodzer Synagogue.
Thank you to our sponsors: Lili Kaufmann, Gail Hammerman, and Joy Sandler
Click here to visit our community page for Ghana.
Click here to fill out our feedback form. Thanks!
October 7, 2020
Virtually Visit Kenya with Yehuda Kimani
Come inside the Kehillat Kasuku synagogue and guest house and chat with Yehuda Kimani. Share this link
Thank you to our sponsors: Lili Kaufmann, Gail Hammerman, and Rabbi Gerald, and Bonita Nathan Sussman
Click here to visit our community page for Kenya.
Click here to fill out our feedback form. Thanks!
August 26, 2020
Professor Tudor Parfitt on Jews, Blacks, and Race
Professor Tudor Parfitt is a British historian, writer, broadcaster, traveler, and adventurer. He leads the interdisciplinary network of scholars on Jewish communities around the world, particularly in Africa, Asia, and the Americas. Share this link
Click here for the discount code for Professor Tudor Parfitt’s book being released in the Fall of 2020.
Thank you to our sponsors: Ruth Erulkar, Margie Katz, Janet Lipsey, Len and Maxine Lyons, Karen and Aron Primack, Richard and Lise Rosenfield, Rabbi Gerald and Bonita Nathan Sussman, Freda Rosenfeld and Howard (Hillel) Wallick, and David and Estare Weiser
Click here to fill out our feedback form. Thanks!
August 12, 2020
A Museum Walkthrough with Ari Greenspan: Reviewing a Personal Collection of Judaica of Traditional and Emerging Jewish Communities around the Globe
Rabbi Dr. Ari Greenspan is a dentist, mohel, shochet, and sofer. He has spent more than 30 years collecting Jewish items from communities around the globe. Share this link
Thank you to our sponsors: Ruth Erulkar, Janet Lipsey, Rabbi Gerald and Bonita Nathan Sussman, Sheppard Wahnon, and David and Estare Weiser
Click here to fill out our feedback form. Thanks!
July 22, 2020
How the Bene Israel of India Became Mainstream
Thank you to our sponsors: Janet Lipsey, Leslie Mills, and Rabbi Gerald, and Bonita Nathan Sussman
Click here to visit our community page for India.
Click here to fill out our feedback form. Thanks!
July 8, 2020
The History of the Black Jews/Israelites in the US and Africa
Rabbi Capers C. Funnye, Jr. is Chief Rabbi of the International Israelite Board of Rabbis, and a board member of Kulanu. In addition, he is rabbi and spiritual leader of Beth Shalom B’nai Zaken Ethiopian Hebrew Congregation in Chicago. Share this link
Thank you to our sponsors: Donna L. Halper, PhD, Susanna Levin, Sam and Dina Markind, and Richard and Lise Rosenfield
Click here to fill out our feedback form. Thanks!
June 17, 2020
The Building of a Movement: A discussion with the Zellers and Primacks, Founders of Kulanu
Jack and Diane Zeller and Aron and Karen Primack Share this link
Click here to fill out our feedback form. Thanks!
Thank you to our sponsors: Joseph Bograd, Harriet Bograd and Ken Klein, Blessing Dziwa, Eddie and Rachel Eitches, Marilyn Fliegler, Susan Goldman, Barbara Gropper and Robert Salzberg, Lili Kaufmann, Tamara Musafia, Sarra Spierer, Jonathan Spierer and Elan Riesman, Robert Salzberg, Mel and Rachel Spierer, and family and Rabbi Gerald and Bonita Nathan Sussman
2-PART SERIES: Kulanu Online Speaker Series on Returning and Emerging Jewish Communities
June 3, 2020
Reform Conversions and Beyond: Growing a Jewish Community in Guatemala
Rabbi Elyse Goldstein, from Toronto, interviewed Rebecca Orantes, a community leader of the Jewish community of Adat Israel Judaismo Reformista in Guatemala City, Guatemala. Share this link
Click here to visit our community page for Guatemala.
May 20, 2020
Recipes of my 15 grandmothers: Unique recipes and stories from the times of the Crypto Jews during the Spanish Inquisition
Genie Milgrom shares stories and recipes. Share this link
Click here to visit our community page for Crypto Jews.
Click here to fill out our feedback form. Thanks!
Thank you to our sponsors: Ruth Alexman, Allison Blakley Davis, Eddie, and Rachel Eitches, Jo Ann and Mark Friedman, Globaldonnica, Susan and Steve Goldberg, Barbara Gropper, Judi Kloper, Sam and Dina Markind, Leora Neal, Nachum Niv, Richard and Beverly Siegal Peiser, Don and Martha Pollak, Rita and Bob Rubin, Dina Tanners, Cantor Michael Stein, Harry Tillinger, and David Weiser.
3-PART SERIES: How Kulanu Partner Communities are Sustaining Jewish Life during the Time of COVID-19
Watch these sessions to learn about isolated, returning, and emerging Jewish communities around the world and hear first-hand perspectives from community leaders. The speakers gave an overview of the current situation in their community, how they have been affected by the coronavirus threat, and how they are responding. They also answered questions during the live discussion. The 3-part online speaker series included conversations with Jewish community leaders in Italy, Zimbabwe, and the Philippines.
April 13, 2020
Rabbi Barbara Aiello Share this link
Click here to visit our community page for Italy.
April 20, 2020
Modreck Maeresera Share this link
Click here to visit our community page for Lemba, Zimbabwe.
April 23, 2020
The Philippines
Rabbi Avraham Coalesce Browne Share this link
Click here to visit our community page for The Philippines.
Click here to fill out our feedback form. Thanks!
Click here to view our 2021 Year End Celebration!
- Special Holiday Zoom: Featuring two artists from Kulanu partner communities – author, Shoshana Nambi from Uganda, and singer, David Baliaba from Cameroon
Zoom event to watch the new Kulanu video with “all of us”
Special Shavuot Lecture with Rabbi Dr. Ari Greenspan
Special Online Course about Matzah with Rabbi Dr. Ari Greenspan
Xueta Island (A Film about the Jews of Majorca)
Prince Ndriana Rabarioelina of Madagascar speaks about the belief of the Malagasy people of their Israelite roots
The Spanish Portuguese Synagogue in Indonesia
From Evangelical Bishop to Jewish Leader: The Jewish Communities of Cameroon
Heartache and Happiness on the Islands of Palms: The Story of the Jews of Majorca
Jews that Speak Swahili and Arabic! The Jewish Community in Tanzania
Tales from India’s Bene Ephraim Jewish Community
The 382 Year Story of Suriname’s Jewish Community
Woman Entrepreneurs of Uganda: Sanitary Pads, Soap, Masks, and More
The Backstory of Ethiopian Operation Moses: Witness Accounts
Jews in Ghana
Virtually Visit Kenya with Yehuda Kimani
Professor Tudor Parfitt on Jews, Blacks, and Race
A Museum Walk through with Ari Greenspan
How the Bene Israel of India Became Mainstream
The History of the Black Jews/Israelites in the US and Africa
The Building of a Movement: A Discussion with the Zellers and Primacks, Founders of Kulanu
Reform Conversions and Beyond: Growing a Jewish Community in Guatemala
Recipes of my 15 grandmothers: Unique Recipes and Stories from the Times of the Crypto Jews during the Spanish Inquisition
How Kulanu Partner Communities are Sustaining Jewish Life during the Time of COVID-19