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Our primary mission at Kulanu is to support isolated, emerging, and developing Jewish communities around the world. We aim to create global networks for our partner communities and strive for their greater recognition by world Jewry.
Some partner communities are returning to their Jewish roots, such as the Bnei Anusim, who were forced to convert to Christianity in Spain and Portugal in the 15th century and some of whom continued to practice Judaism in secret. Today their descendants can be found in our partner communities across the Spanish and Portuguese-speaking world. Other communities embraced Judaism from scratch, often in complete isolation. Other groups have developed a Jewish practice on their own, such as the Abayudaya in Uganda, who have been practicing Judaism for over a century. More still lay claim to their status as a “lost” tribe of Israel, including groups in India and China.
In total, we have connected with communities in more than thirty countries. We invite you to explore those with whom we are currently collaborating, to learn about their Jewish practice and everyday life.