Shana Tova! From “all of us” at Kulanu – Happy 5777!

Rosh Hashanah connects us to our beginnings, and our global Jewish communities – such as the Bene Ephraim from India, pictured below.

Members of the Bene Ephraim community of Andhra Pradesh, India enjoy an "Apples and Honey" party. Photo courtesy of Sadok Yacobi.

Members of the Bene Ephraim community of Andhra Pradesh, India enjoy an “Apples and Honey” party. Photo courtesy of Sadok Yacobi.

“All of us” at Kulanu are grateful for your ongoing support and commitment to Jewish diversity. Help spread our mission so that we can make 5777 our best year yet, by simply sharing our social media posts and emails with your friends, family, and colleagues!

Best wishes for a sweet, happy, and healthy new year from “all of us” at Kulanu, Inc.