Zoom-a-Thon: Kulanu in Song Chanukah Benefit

Dear Friends,
We invite you to our Chanukah Zoom-a-thon to celebrate the music of our partner communities across the globe. Please save the date! It will be aired on Tuesday, December 15 at 8 pm EST and again on Thursday, December 17, at 1 pm EST. Take this opportunity to bring your menorah and celebrate the “nes” or miracle of the strength and diversity of the Jewish people for over two millennia since the Maccabean Revolt.


Our hope is that these formal and informal recordings of people around the world singing their own Jewish music will raise awareness that Jewish communities, no matter how far they may be, are all inter-connected. During these dark times of isolation and illness, it is even more important to celebrate the fact that there are Jews on every continent with richly varied cultures. Our shared traditions connect us across great distances and cultural divides.


Get your group involved! Click here to sign up as a community partner to join the list of participating groups or to let us know you are considering it. Community partners are groups that agree to publicize this event to their members or mailing list, to introduce them to the work of Kulanu across the globe. Community partners are not required to donate funds.


Click here to contribute funding to this exciting event. Please write “Chanukah Sponsor” in the comments. (Community partners and organizational sponsors of $100 or more will have their logo displayed on our website.)


Please share the news of this concert to everyone on your mailing lists to introduce them to the work of Kulanu across the globe. Click here to view a list of communities and organizations that have signed up so far!


To learn more, please visit kulanu.org/zoom-a-thon We look forward to celebrating Chanukah with you!


Harriet and Boni
Harriet Bograd, President, Kulanu, Inc.
Bonita Nathan Sussman, Vice President, Kulanu, Inc.