What We Did Last Summer
This past summer saw Kulanu mitzvah projects at several Jewish camps. One wonderful example was the “Holchim L’Chaim” (We Walk for Life) walkathon at Herzl Camp in Webster, Wisc. Kulanu was one of three organizations chosen by the campers to benefit from the walk and received $835. Although rained out, the walk was moved indoors with information about the three beneficiaries decorating the rest stops. This was the first time that the camp, with more than 400 campers, did a fundraising event and it was designed to educate the campers in skills that it is hoped they will bring back to their schools and home communities. Past camp projects have included the creation of a chuppah, which was donated to the Teferet Israel community in Sefwi Wiawso, Ghana, and of mezuzot, which were sent to Nigeria.