Update on the Goat-Rearing Project in Uganda

A woman in Uganda receives a goat from the Abayudaya Women’s Association, 
June 2014. Photo courtesy AWA.

This summer, Kulanu received a report from the Abayudaya Women’s Association that they had successfully distributed 90 goats to women in the eight Abayudaya villages in Uganda. This report was accompanied by photos which you can see in this album on Kulanu’s Phanfare site, www.kulanu.phanfare.com

The AWA Goat-Rearing Project in Uganda was made possible thanks to Ruth Wolman, who approved a $5,000.00 grant from the Otto and Marianne Wolman Foundation for the goat project. Many thanks to Ruth and her family’s foundation for this generous gift!

This project is a pass-on project where each participant raises a goat for its milk, which can be given to their families or even sold for additional income, and then passes on newborn female kids to others, helping create sustainability throughout the community as a whole.

Click here to check out the online photo album of the AWA goat project – from Harriet’s proposal-writing workshop in January and the AWA members drafting their proposal, to the distribution of the goats, to their grant report in June. It’s exciting to see how this project evolved!

Learn more about the Abayudaya community in Uganda and the Abayudaya Women’s Association on www.kulanu.org/abayudaya