Thank You, Donors!

Below is a list of all donations received between November 21, 2012 and April 28, 2013, as well as tributes, mitzvah projects and fundraisers from this time period, and the sponsors of the 2013 Kulanu-Lemba Speaking Tour.

TODAH RABAH to all of our supporters for helping Kulanu (Hebrew for “all of us”)
assist isolated and emerging Jewish communities around the world.

Please let us know if we have missed your name or contribution (go to and choose “Ask about a Donation”) and we will list you in the next issue. Thank you!

Thanks to the Coexist Foundation for their gift of $15,000 to the Abayudaya and $4,000 to Kulanu, and to Louis Weider for $15,000 in memory of his father, Ben Weider and in honor of his mother, Huguette Weider.

The Werner and Phoebe Frank Family Foundation
The Estelle Friedman Gervis Family Foundation.

Gotham Drywall, Inc; The Marilyn and Ira Polon Philanthropic Fund of the United Jewish Endowment Fund of the Jewish Federation; The Ben and Esther Rosenbloom Foundation; The Matthew and Shelly Stein Philanthropic Fund, a donor advised fund of the Jewish Community Federation and Endowment Fund; The Otto and Marianne Wolman Foundation.

Shane Binder; The Enablement Fund of Morgan Stanley Smith Barney GIFT, Inc; Dr Jules and Mrs Josephine Harris; The Glatt-Holtz Gift Fund, a Fidelity Charitable donor-advised fund; The Kanter Family Gift Fund; Marie-Chantal and Judah Klausner; Lois Levy; The Howard Metzenberg Philanthropic Fund, a donor-advised fund of the Jewish Community Federation and Endowment Fund; Aron and Karen Primack; The Samiljan Family Fund of the Jewish Community Foundation; Karen and Andrew Thorburn; Gail B. and Mel Werbach; Ronnie Williams and Suzanne Arnopolin; The Marvin Wolf Fund of the Jewish Federation of Sarasota-Manatee; Jack and Diane Zeller.

Anonymous; Congregation Darchei Noam (Toronto, ON); Congregation Hakafa (Rabbi Bruce Elder – Glencoe, IL); Hope and Matthew Feldman; The Frank Family Foundation; Dr Evelyn Hutt; Marcia Kaplan; Louis Blumengarten; Irwin and Elaine Berg; Nina Horak; Alan and Agnes Leshner.

Bruce Aaron; Susan Agate; Rabbi Barbara Aiello; Kim Ainis; Ruth and Dr David Alexman; Andrew Heiden and Rebecca Teichman; Jim and Marge Auerbach; Dr Stanley Azen; Michael and Mary Baron; The Bassman Family Fund; Joseph Berman, MD; Beth Israel Congregation Religious School (Owings Mills, MD); Vera James and David Biggam; The Tzedakah Fund of B’nai Israel Congregation (Rabbi Jonathan A. Schnitzer – Rockville, MD); Jeanne and Murray Bodin; Richard Bruce; Edith Bruder; The Number Ten Foundation Inc.; Lisa Burnstein; The Sisterhood of Temple Israel of Canton (Canton, OH); Henry Kister and Susana Chang-Kister; The Chittum Family; Hedy Cohen; The Cohen-Konig Family fund, a donor advised fund of the Jewish Community Foundation of Los Angeles; Sherman Cohn; Marguerite and Raymond Cross, Jr; Judith Edelstein; Mel and Margery Elfin; Elaine Eskowitz; Judy Featherman and Lionel Lieberman; Charles Feigenbaum; Dr Elizabeth Feldman and Jay Shefsky; James Feldman and Natalie Wexler; Pamela Fox; Linda Joan Freitag; David Kit Friedman; Sara Friedman; Dr Beverly Friend (The China-Judaic Studies Association); Frida Furman; The Gamzu Family Fund, a Fidelity Charitable donor-advised fund; Joe and Mia Buchwald Gelles; The Gendler Family Foundation; Michele Gilbert; Drs Roberta Glick and Terry Gene Unterman; Sholom Gliksman; Harold Goldberg and Alisa Israel Goldberg; The Goldman Family Fund, a Fidelity Charitable donor-advised fund; Letitia Gomez; Elizabeth and Ron Goodman; I Michael Goodman; Curtis and Joan Green; The Irving and Blu Greenberg Foundation of the Jewish Communal Fund; Allen Greenberger; David Greenstein; Eugene and Anne Greenstein; Marion Mackles and Peter Harrison; Marla H & G; Rabbi Lester and Doris Hering; Dr Eugene and Esther Herman; Harriette Hirsch; Michael Hoffman; Bonny Hohenberger; The Arthur D and Helene A Indianer Philanthropic Fund of the United Jewish Foundation; Anne Katz Jacobson and Robert Jacobson; Julian Jaffe; Jerome Fishkin; Michael Kaplan; Amy Katz; Laura Alter Klapman; Dr Adina Sue Kleiman; Rabbi Pinchas Klein; Rabbi Debra Kolodny; Dr Claudine Schweber and Edward Koren; Lewis and Monica Fried Kornberg; David and Ann Kranis; Martha Kahn and Simeon Kriesberg; Marcia Kulick; Stuart “Sandy” Leeder; Alan Legatt; Elihu and Sheila Leifer; Susan Lippman; Bonnie Burt and Mark Liss; David London; Steven Lorch and Susanna Kochan-Lorch; Martha Klein Lottman; Leonard and Maxine Lyons; The John D and Catherine T MacArthur Foundation; David Mackler; Elyse Mancher; Judy Manelis and Shelby Kashket; Judith Ann Manelis; Anonymous; Randal Mars; Howard and Judith Mayer; Jacob Melamed; Donald Menzi and Jane Weprin Menzi; Evalyn and Martin Michaelson; Congregants of Temple Emanu-El in Staten Island (NY); Orlando Milligan; Clare Morris; Jeremy Moskowitz; Marvin and Beth Najberg; Drs Benjamin Natelson and Gudrun Lange; Mark Nazimova; Rabbi Daniel Nussbaum and Dr Jacki Goldstein; Martin Okun; Margaret Park; Faye Altshuler Dittelman and David Perelman; Peter Persoff; Ryia and Mark Peterson; Dr Karen Pierce; Anonymous; Stephen and Linda Pope; The Posner Family; Morton and Rhoda Posner Pruce; Janet and Sidney Quint; Vered; Barbara and Ed Rachlin; The Ransom Family; Edward Rensin; Evelyn Rich; Philip and Iris Kufert Rivo; Betsey Roberts; Mordecai and Paula Rosenfeld; The Howard Rosof Fund, a Fidelity Charitable donor-advised fund; Charles Scheidt; Drs Seymour and Wendy Scheinberg; Myra Schiff; Judith Schlaeger; Mel Schnapper; Laz and Ellen Schneider; The Schonfeld Family Trust; Amy Schuman; Charlotte Schwartz; Fisher Scientific; Barbara and Julius Shair; Mark and Rhonna Shatz, MD; Yehuda and Catherine Sherman; Susan Shevitz; Fran and Albert  Sicignano; Rabbi Daniel Siegel; The JDS Fund, a Fidelity Charitable donor-advised fund; Peter and Betty Silverglate; Ellen Singer; Joyce Sirlin-Rand; Aleene Smith; Audrey Sokoloff and Tim Hosking; Susan and Howard Spielberg; Andria Spindel; Bruce Steiner; Barbara Birshtein and Howard Steinman; Herman and Cecilia Storick; Mark Sugarman and Lenore Myers; Rabbis Gerald and Bonita Sussman; Michele and David Tamaren; Rabbi Scott L Glass (Temple Beth-El, Ithaca, NY); Todd Clear and Dina Rose; Alma Realty Trust (Chestnut Hill, MA); Rosette Tucker; Richard Unis; Barbara Vinick; Dr Norman and Mrs Bonnie Weiss; Myra Weiss; Anonymous; David Wise; Woodlands Community Temple (White Plains, NY); Judith and Richard Wurtman; Paula Gorlitz and Steven Zuckerman.

Donations in Honor of and in Memory of…
These were received between November 21, 2012 and April 28, 2013. Please let us know if we have missed anyone (go to and we will list them in the next issue. Thank you.

*Note: This summer, Kulanu is honoring our president, Harriet Bograd for her years of service (and her 70th birthday!) through an online ‘ad book’ fundraiser. Contributions to Kulanu’s 2013 Tribute Journal in honor of Harriet Bograd are accepted until May 31st, 2013 (gifts received after this deadline will be published in an Addendum to the Journal), and will be published in the form of a virtual scrapbook of memories from Harriet’s friends and family, and from members of the larger Kulanu community who wish to pay tribute to the woman who is helping change the face of global Judaism. Check out the virtual Journal – and submit your own gift and message to the Journal or Addendum – through the Kulanu web site at

Donations in honor of someone
Donors are in italics.

Rabbi Barbara Aiello – Congregation Darchei Noam (Toronto, ON)
Harriet Bograd – The Estelle Friedman Gervis Family Foundation
Ariel, Shira, and Hallel Cohen-Goldberg – Susan and Steve Goldberg
Jared Cole – Cheryl and Alan Kristal
Sam Cole – Cheryl and Alan Kristal
Beth D’Addario – Allen J Greenberger
Matthew Feldman – Beverly Feldman, Gail Margulies
David Friedman – Sara M Friedman
Rabbi Scott Glass (Temple Beth-El, Ithaca, NY) – Linda and Stephen Pope
Bob and Shirley Goldman – Susan and Michael Goldman
Hayden Gutt – Gail and Stephen Erlitz
Avi and Hili Kister – Henry Z Kister and Susana Chang-Kister
Linda Kornberg and Steve Glantz – Lewis and Monica Fried Kornberg
Sandy Leeder – Nina G Wouk
Alan H Mankoff – Susan Lippman
Dr Brian Primack and family – Marcia Kaplan
Dr Marshall Primack – Linda Joan Freitag
Karen and Aron Primack – Judy Manelis and Shelby Kashket
Fran Ransom – The Sisterhood of Temple Israel of Canton (Canton, OH); and Alex, Ami, Asia, Autumn, Dad & Kai (Ransom)
Joyce Sasson – Myra Schiff
Linda Sidell – Hedy Cohen
Tziporah and Rabbi Gershom Sizomu – Werner and Phoebe Frank
Alan and Andrea Titelbaum – Jodi Coburn
Barbara Vinick – Marla Belostock, Pamela Fox, Helaine Hazlett, Charlotte Ikels, Harriet Bograd and Ken Klein, Marian Leah Knapp, Sandra and Alexander Lindsey, Alberta and Roger Lipson, Martin and Ruth Weinstein
Huguette Weider – L Weider
Jack Zeller – Stewart and Myra Deutsch

Donations in memory of someone
Donors are in italics.

Nellie Beckerman – George and Toby Wakstein
Arlo Boggs – Laura L and Arthur S Brecher
Rabbi Moshe Cotel – Maarin and Amy Melman
Charlote Dubin – Leah Prawda, Jane Prawda
Roslyn (Lynne) K Elson – Shane Binder
Sorke Gladstone – Yaakov Gladstone
JJ Greenberg – Blu and Yitzhak Greenberg
Bernard Jacowitz – Jerry Rumain
Hyman and Nettie Kaplan – George and Toby Wakstein
Estelle Katz – Anne Katz Jacobson and Robert Jacobson
Herman and Betty Liss – Michele and David Tamaren
Monet Milligan – Orlando Milligan
Mary Polon – Ruth and Harris Pitlick
Mortimer S Smith – Aleene Smith
Tzwa bat Tshura and Boaz Ben Tzwa – Rosalyn Sherman
Ben Weider – L Weider

Mitzvah Projects & Fundraising Campaigns

Sam Levy (New Rochelle, NY) – Sam put an exciting twist on his Kulanu Mitzvah Project: he’s hiking Massada in Israel to raise funds for the two Abayudaya schools in Uganda! This is a first for Kulanu, and we’re delighted to announce that Sam’s Personal Fundraising Page has already raised $1,380 toward his $1,800 goal. Sam became bar mitzvah on April 20, 2013. Mazal tov, Sam!

Temple Beth El Salinas Religious School (Salinas, CA) – Rabbi Marcy Delbick continues to lead the school’s Kulanu Fundraising Campaign in support of the Dora Bloch Fund, and as of this printing they have raised $2,017.22 – that’s 74% of what it costs to run this program for a year! The Dora Bloch Fund is designated for the students residing in the girls’ dormitories at the Abayudaya schools in Uganda, and ensures that these students receive three meals a day every day; an important need to fill in this impoverished African community.

Hillel Day School (Farmington Hills, MI) – The fifth and sixth grade students at Hillel Day School are leading a “Clean Water in Uganda” fundraiser, to raise the money needed for the Abayudaya community to purchase a manual borehole pump and a water tank so they have access to clean water in Uganda. The fifth-graders are participating in a ‘Battle of the Books’ tzedekah project, and the sixth-graders are selling water bottles to raise funds for water sanitation in this remote African Jewish community. Thanks, Hillel Day School, for addressing this urgent need!

(If YOU want to lead a project or fundraiser, visit to find out how…)

Winter 2013 Kulanu-Lemba Speaking Tour Sponsors
Our thanks to all the organizations who hosted Modreck Maeresera of Zimbabwe during his first U.S. tour! Speaking Tour proceeds benefit Kulanu’s work with the Lemba Jewish community of Zimbabwe – see

The 92nd Street Y – New York, NY
Jewish International Connection of New York (JICNY) – New York, NY
Mary D. Fischer Theater – Sedona, AZ
Anshei Israel – Tucson, AZ
Temple Shalom – Chicago, IL
Temple Anshe Shalom – Olympia Field, IL
Jewish Home Assisted Living – River Vale, NJ
Temple Sinai – Toronto, ON (Canada)
Lakeside Congregation – Highland Park, IL
Congregation Solel  – Highland Park, IL
Congregation Hakafa – Highland Park, IL
The Inter-American Jewish Studies Program and The African American Studies Program at the University of Texas in El Paso (UTEP) – El Paso, TX
Congregation B’nai Zion – El Paso, TX
Congregation Brith Shalom – Bellaire, TX
Jewish Federation of Greater Houston (Yom Limmud Conference at Congregation Beth Israel) – Houston, TX
Temple Anshei Shalom – Delray Beach, FL
Florida International University (FIU) in Miami Beach, FL School of International and Public Affairs (SIPA) – Miami, FL
The Center for Humanities in an Urban Environment at FIU – Miami, FL
The African and African Diaspora Studies Program at FIU – Miami, FL
The Program in the Study of Spirituality at FIU – Miami, FL
The Jewish Museum of Florida-FIU – Miami, FL
Temple Emanu-El – Staten Island, NY
Temple Isaiah – Lexington, MA
Temple Emunah – Lexington, MA
Ohr Kodesh Congregation – Chevy Chase, MD

Additional Speaking Events

Thanks to Wheaton College Hillel (Hillel Council of New England) for hosting Kulanu board member and KulanuNews editor Judy Manelis, and to Congregation Darchei Noam in Toronto for hosting Rabbi Barbara Aiello.

All of you supporting “all of us” is what makes Kulanu, Inc a successful grassroots organization, connecting Jewish communities across the globe.


(Find out all the ways YOU can reach out to far-away Jews at