Kulanu 2019 impact Stories
Dear Friends,
Happy Chanukah! This week we’ll highlight a few impact stories so you can see how your gift can make all the difference for Jews longing to “come home.”
“I had the honor to go to Brazil for the second time as a Global Teaching Fellow. My two visits were eye-opening experiences for me. I got to meet amazing people who care deeply about their community … dedicating their lives to learn how to “do Jewish” where there are no other Jewish communities around in their area. I developed meaningful relationships with the Goiania community and it is beautiful to see them growing.”
Natan Freller (pictured upper left corner)
Kulanu’s Global Teaching Fellows program offers rabbinical students from a variety of streams of Judaism the unparalleled opportunity to live, work and teach in an isolated Kulanu community that wants and needs Jewish expertise. This summer, our partner communities in Brazil, Gabon, India, and Nigeria welcomed Kulanu Global Teaching Fellows. Each experience was inspiring to the rabbis-in-training and communities alike.
In 2019, for the first time, Kulanu was able to place African rabbinical students with African Jews in African countries. Uganda’s Shadrach Mugoya Levy served a Nigerian community, while Amir Etele of Cameroon offered learning opportunities to Jews in Gabon.
Kulanu needs your help to continue its support of our many international partner communities. so that rabbinical students like Natan Freller can be a part of the Kulanu Global Teaching Fellows and bring not only learning, but a sense of enthusiasm and hope to isolated communities worldwide.
There is much work to be done. Your generous donation can bring joy, love, and a sense of belonging to isolated Jewish communities around the world.
Please donate online now or send a check to Kulanu, c/o Harriet Bograd (address below) to secure Kulanu’s future! If you have already given, thank you!
Please consider making a multi-year donation or a regular monthly gift that will allow us the freedom Kulanu needs to efficiently plan for the future.
Thank you for being part of “all of us”!
Warm regards,
and “all of us” at Kulanu
Harriet Bograd, President