Hadassah Primary School Newsletter
Hadassah Primary School is a Jewish school in Uganda, which was founded in 2001 with only 20 students. The school has grown to 417 students with 22 teachers. The school runs school levels from kindergarten to grade 7 and has graduated 253 students to high school from 2007 through 2018 after passing their Primary Leaving Examination (PLE).
The students and teachers come from diverse religious backgrounds – Christian, Muslim, and Jewish. Hadassah Primary School prides itself on being a co-existence learning center, having three religions learning, working, and living in harmony.
Thanks to the generosity of Kulanu supporters like you, Kulanu is able to fund 72% of Hadassah Primary School’s operating budget, which includes the salaries for teachers, administrators and staff. The remaining 28% is funded by the school fees paid by the students’ families.
Health and Sanitation
This year, Hadassah Primary School created a sickbay that offers first aid to sick students and is expected to support about 200 students each year. The sickbay is equipped to handle typical medical issues – such as malaria, which is caused by mosquito bites.
In addition, the school has been working on increasing its sanitation facilities. This year, an incinerator for the disposal of solid waste from latrines was built (pictured). Last year, the school built a better drainage system, which helped reduce the mosquito infestation and malaria rates at the school. Both of these projects were completed with support of Kulanu.
Kulanu has also continued to fully support the nutrition program for students and teachers. This has greatly improved the health of students and teachers, allowing the school to excel in teaching.
Volunteer Program
Hadassah Primary School has benefited from a number of activities from volunteer efforts coming from many parts of the world, including academic, infrastructural, and financial support.
The school continues to welcome volunteers from all over the world. If you want to help with various academic activities in Uganda, feel free to contact us.
Information Technology
Hadassah Primary School started providing computer literacy lessons to students and teachers in 2015. We have trained over 20 teachers and 615 students and continue providing the lessons with a revised curriculum to include the lower grades. Students are learning to write codes and do simple application development.
Music, Games, and Sports
Music is the main co-curricular activity that involves the entire school and helps build social development skills for both children and teachers. It’s through this commitment that we were able to attain the 6th place out of 52 schools at the National Primary School Music, Dance, and Drama competition that took place last September at Mbarara Junior Primary School located in Western Uganda.
Hadassah Primary School is ranked first in eastern region out of over 300 schools in the national music competition. The school is now also considered a regional sports center, leading in football, music, and athletics. In addition, the school have just introduced Lego games.
Furniture Fundraiser
Hadassah Primary School is in need of basic furniture to ensure the students’ continued success.
The new furniture will provide a better learning environment for the children since there will be adequate seating in all classrooms as well as beds in the dormitories. This will also translate to better health of the students due to more personal space.
The cost for this furniture is expected to be just over $13,000 for the classroom furniture and dormitory beds.
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