Global Teaching Fellows 2019
The Kulanu Global Teaching Fellowship aims to answer the call for education, support and recognition of isolated, emerging and returning Jewish communities by sending rabbinical students from across denominations to teach in Kulanu partner communities. This year for the first time we have African rabbinical students teaching Africans.
This year we are fortunate to have three Kulanu Global Teaching Fellows so far.
Shadrach Mugoya Levy, Aleph Rabbinical Program (distance learning from Namutumba, Uganda) taught in Nigeria in May and June
Natan Freller, Ziegler Rabbinical School (Los Angeles, California), returned to teach in Brazil in June and July
Michal Kohane, Yeshivat Maharat (Riverdale, New York), will teach in India in July and August
Amir Etele from Cameroon, who has attended Ohr Torah Stone Yeshiva in Israel, will teach in Gabon in August
Click here to donate to the Kulanu Global Teaching Fellows program.
Read more about the Global Teaching Fellow program here.