Exciting news from Cameroon
June 4, 2015
In 2012, the Beth Yeshourun community of Cameroon, led by Serges Etele of Yaounde, established a cocoa farm with help from Kulanu and Kulanu supporters. The original goal was for the community to be able to pay back the startup loan from Kulanu, and for proceeds to begin supporting the community’s Jewish life, within five years. As of their third reporting period, the farm is making excellent progress.
Many thanks to everyone who has contributed to this success! (Click here for a photo album that shows the early development of the farm — more current photos will be added soon.)
The community has also gained attention from filmmaker Laurence Gavron, a Jewish woman born in Paris and living in Senegal. Laurence, who made the Kulanu video, shared with us the 1½ minute trailer for her in-progress documentary on the Cameroon Jewish community, which we are glad to share with you. (Please note: it’s mostly in French, but you can use the Google Translate app for the text, and still enjoy the images in the short video.) Click here for the film’s preview and fundraiser page!
Learn more about the Jews of Cameroon at www.kulanu.org/cameroon, and click here to make a donation to allow Kulanu to support more special projects. Use the “social share” icons below to inform your networks of this news.
Thank you for your support of the Beth Yeshourun community and Jews around the world!