Become a Fan of Kulanu, Inc. on Facebook
If you are from my generation, you may be wondering what our kids are doing when they spend their time on Facebook. Now is your chance to join in, by signing up to be a fan of the Kulanu, Inc page on Facebook! Just click here, register for Facebook, and look for the Kulanu, Inc page, and click on “become a fan.” By becoming a fan, you help spread the word about Kulanu, and you get to meet others from all over the world who share your interest in dispersed and emerging Jewish communities and Jewish multiculturalism.
If you already are a savvy Facebook member, please take the lead, become a fan of the Kulanu, Inc page, and invite your Facebook friends to join you!
Our volunteers, Matthew Feldman in Philadelphia and Miguel Vicuña in Madrid and staff member Katie Rosenthal have been making amazing strides in linking our email list, blog, Facebook page, and web site. Music publicist Matt Merewitz helped us launch the Facebook page last Monday. Volunteers post notices of conferences, events and news in our email list ( or send them to us at Matthew Feldman copies them to the blog, and then the same information magically “feeds” to our Facebook page and to a new sidebar on our home page, The result: Lots of updated information about Kulanu-related topics is available where people like to “hang out,” and there is more room for community and conversation.