Become a Charter Member of Kulanu’s “Ohavei Olam” for 5779
Shana tova u’metukah to all of our friends!
Kulanu is excited to launch our new supporters’ program, Ohavei Olam, to mark the new Jewish year. Ohavei Olam means “lovers of the world” – and we invite you to help us spread love around the Jewish world in 5779 by becoming a charter member of this monthly donor program. Learn how at the end of this email.
We are so grateful to everyone who already donated during 5778. If you have recently given a gift, please consider sharing this email with your friends and family – and thank you!

Ohavei Olam will give us stability, with funds to carry out projects at short notice wherever and whenever the need is greatest. Sometimes we are lucky to receive a donation of books or find a traveler who can take items to a community, and monthly donors give us the flexibility to get hard-to-source items to a community in need quickly. Having these funds available recently made all the difference when we recently could give Madagascar Jews access to books they requested, including Tractate Rosh Hashanah to help them prepare for the upcoming holidays.

Ohavei Olam will help spread Jewish literacy and learning to the corners of the Jewish world.
Ohavei Olam will provide the foundational support that allows us to carry out major projects, like recent conversions and weddings that took place in Nicaragua. Many of the converts are descendants of Crypto-Jews who were forced to abandon Judaism under the Spanish and Portuguese Inquisition.
Ohavei Olam will help communities and individuals return to their Jewish roots and practice.
Ohavei Olam will help us to sustain ongoing efforts, like providing

internet connections in sub-Saharan African rural Jewish communities. This allows them to access online Jewish learning, communicate with us at Kulanu, and stay in touch with other communities who share their particular struggles.
Ohavei Olam will bring Jews together to spread love of Judaism to every corner of the globe.
To become a charter member of Ohavei Olam, simply visit kulanu.org/donate and select “monthly” under Gift Information. Any amount makes a big difference.
Thanks from “all of us” at Kulanu for supporting isolated, emerging, and returning communities as we enter 5779 together.
May it be a sweet and happy new year for “all of us”!