2021 Kulanu Impact Stories – Indonesia
Dear Friends,
As 2021 comes to a close, we are reflecting on Kulanu’s support for global Jewish communities over the past year. Today, let’s take a look at how donations are making an impact in Indonesia.
The community centered around Indonesia’s Shaar HaShamayim Synagogue is very active and engaged in Jewish life. Several families are pictured here in the sukkah outside of their synagogue. The community was also featured in our Online Speaker Series this fall and in the Winter 2021 Kulanu Magazine.
Despite the Jewish community’s minority status in Indonesia, it has leveraged assistance from Kulanu to create important ties with Jews around the globe. “Shaar HaShamayim Synagogue is one of the most unique places in Indonesia and it is so special to us. This is not just because of the spirit of the Jews themselves, but also because of the enthusiasm of the local people who are moved to learn and embrace Judaism, despite the challenges to Jews here,” shared community leader Yaakov Baruch.
Your donations help many of Kulanu’s partner communities to flourish – just like the one in Indonesia. You help connect isolated Jewish communities to the larger global Jewish world, allowing them to receive crucial assistance even as they inspire and strengthen all of us in return.
Please donate online now or send a check to Kulanu, c/o Harriet Bograd (address below) to secure Kulanu’s future! If you have already given, thank you!
We are so close to meeting the $60,000 matching gift challenge. Every donation you give will be doubled. Can you help us reach our goal?
Thank you for being part of “all of us”!
Warm regards,
and “all of us” at Kulanu
Harriet Bograd, President
165 West End Ave 3R
New York, NY, 10023
PS – If you have already given, thank you! We appreciate your generosity.