You’re Invited to Kulanu Across the Globe!
From Asia to Latin America, from Europe to Africa, a unique international initiative, Kulanu Across the Globe, will unite 52 Jewish communities from five continents to learn more about Kulanu and Jewish communities around the globe. We hope you are able to come to one of the scheduled events next weekend on November 15,16, or 17.
Find an Event Near You:
United States
- Congregation Beth Shalom in Wilmington, Delaware is going to participate in Kulanu Across the Globe in their Shabbat morning services. The community is proud to be bringing their county executive, Matt Meyer, who first introduced Kulanu to the Abayudaya in 1994, to speak about 26 year relations with the Abayudaya and his recent visit to Uganda and run a Q&A. They use this program as a way to teach about Tikkun Olam, or repairing the world. Interested people should contact: Diane at the synagogue office at 302-654-4462.
- Congregation Hakafa in Glencoe, IL will be telling stories to the children at their Friday night child-led service about Jewish communities around the world, the work of Kulanu, and the nature of Kulanu Across the Globe. They are having special Shabbat Services on Friday, November 15 – 7:30 pm at Winnetka Community House.
- Congregation Shirat Hayam in Swampscott, MA will be talking during Nosh and Drash on Shabbat, Saturday, November 16, from 10-11 am. Barbara Vinick will be talking about “Under One Canopy: Remote Jewish Communities Around the Globe.” The synagogue is located at 55 Atlantic Avenue, Swampscott, MA.
- Congregation Rodef Shalom in Denver, CO will be giving a D’var Torah on Shabbat morning, Saturday, November 30th at 9:30 am.
- Temple Emanu-El in Staten Island, NY will be having a sermon open to the public on Friday evening, November 15th at 8 pm at Temple Emanu-El, 984 Post Avenue, Staten Island, 10302. Contact Bonita Sussman via our contact form, No charge, no RSVP needed.
- West End Synagogue in New York City will be having Kabbalat Shabbat on Friday, November 15th at 6:30 pm, and Shabbat morning services at 10 am on Saturday, November 16th, with special D’var Torah by Harriet Bograd, the president of Kulanu. Lunch with international foods followed by videos and discussions starting at 1:30 pm.
- Kol Nefesh Masorti in Edgware, England is hosting a Havdallah event after Shabbat ends on November 16th that will include Kulanu Across the Globe videos. (*This event is open to friends of members so please contact the synagogue for more information. )
- Sinagoga Ner Tamid del Sud and the Italian Jewish Cultural Center of Calabria (IjCCC), ITALY will be having an event on Sunday, November 17th at 15:00. It will take place at Tamid del Sud, Vico I Indipendenza 18, Serrastretta, Italy. Free and open to the public, by reservation only RSVP to Rabbi Barbara Aiello via our contact form.
Africa (These events are private due to security concerns. Please contact us for more details.)
- The Namutumba Jewish community in Uganda are hoping that through the resources Kulanu has provided, it will uplift Judaism in Uganda. They also are most looking forward to linking their community to other Jewish communities across the globe, through creating friends and relationships.
- The Tik’vat Yisrael Jewish Community in Abuja, Nigeria is focusing on many aspects of Judaism through Kulanu Across the Globe. From teaching women about baking Challah, to teaching children about the sound of the Shofar, and even discussing interfaith and religious dialogue, Abuja is taking full advantage of the Kulanu resources.
- The Delta Jewish Association in Ughelli, Nigeria will be using Kulanu Across the Globe to spread awareness of the achievements of Kulanu over the years.
- The Tiferet Israel Community in Ghana will be focusing on the history of their own Jewish community and will re-watch the documentary “Doing Jewish: A story from Ghana” for newcomers. They will discuss how Kulanu has helped them over the years and give the D’var Torah from Kulanu resources on Shabbat morning.
- Beit Knesset Derech Hayashan in Port Harcourt. Nigeria will be hosting Kulanu Across the Globe for their members only with music and photos.
- Beit Shalom Haknesset in Nigeria will also be celebrating with their congregants of their Knesset.
- The Sunday Simcha (Radio Show from WMNF radio)
For more information, please visit the Kulanu Across the Globe section of the website, which lists all the participating Jewish communities.