Welcome to Oksana!
We are so excited to have had Oksana Rosenblum join the Kulanu staff in September as an Administrative Assistant and Database Manager. Oksana grew up in Ukraine, and later moved to the US. She has been a New Yorker since 2012. Her interest in nonprofits led her to work as an administrative/operations assistant for the American Friends of the Ghetto Fighters’ House Museum, and as a volunteer for the Ukrainian Village Voices. Oksana is also a researcher and a translator specializing in the Jewish history of the Russian Empire and Soviet Union. Her projects have included visual research for the museums of Jewish History in Warsaw and Moscow. Oksana holds MA in Visual Art from the Jewish Theological Seminary in NYC. In her free time, she studies frame drumming, translates Ukrainian poetry, and travels the world with her husband Vick.
A big welcome to our new team of fall interns: Avraham ben Avraham, Japhet Echi, Miriam Kreisler, Hannah Lane, and Keshi Taryan-Kigel.
We also want to thank Jerry Krasny, Kulanu’s former Business Manager, for his years of dedication to Kulanu during his tenure. We wish him well in his retirement.