Share Your Photos and Videos with Kulanu

If you have taken photos or videos in a community Kulanu works with or at a Kulanu event, we’d love for you to share them with us.

For photos, please send us a message telling us about the photos you’d like to share using the Contact Kulanu Form.  We will then create a folder for you so you can upload the pictures into SmugMug.  You can visit to view our current photos.

Please include your name and the date/location the photos were taken when uploading photos. We will assume that you have permission for us to share these publicly unless you tell us not to publish them. Please provide proper photo credit for us to publish. We much prefer high-resolution photos so that we can print them. Thanks so much!

For videos, please post them on YouTube and send the link to us using the Contact Kulanu Form. Be sure to set it so that we can download the videos.

We will then add your photos and videos to our archives. We draw on these archives to select appropriate photos for our web site, magazine, emails, blog and Facebook page.

Thanks so much!