Join Us in Honoring Karen and Aron Primack

From the beginning of Kulanu’s journey as an organization to assist isolated and emerging Jewish communities worldwide, Karen and Aron Primack have been at the forefront with founder Jack Zeller. There is no way to calculate the number of hours they have contributed to building and strengthening the organization and the depth of their emotional commitment to the causes for which Kulanu stands. They have given of themselves in countless ways, providing leadership, visiting communities abroad, editing two books and the newsletter, donating funds and hosting countless visitors from around the world. Their generosity is legendary.
As they step down from their 15 years as editor (Karen) and layout/technical director (Aron) of the newsletter, Kulanu would like to take this opportunity to honor them for their unique contributions. Through the newsletter, they have enriched our knowledge of dispersed communities, fostered interest and support for Jews in isolated circumstances and created a lasting legacy for current and future generations.
Please join us in honoring these two special people by contributing to an on-line ad journal to support Kulanu’s important work. [read more]