Join Us in Developing a Jewish Community in Madagascar

Expanding the diaspora through conversions, weddings, a conference and musical exchange

In Madagascar, a community has been living a Jewish life, studying Torah, Hebrew, and mitzvot, observing Shabbat and holidays.

In May, 2016, Kulanu will send a delegation to Madagascar to offer traditional conversions, Jewish wedding ceremonies, a symposium, and a musical exchange. Our delegation will include a bet din (rabbinic court) of three Orthodox rabbis who will supervise the conversions of more than 40 candidates. After the conversions, several couples will then have Jewish weddings ceremonies and celebrations.

Then we’ll have an international symposium co-sponsored by Florida International University (FIU), and Professor Tudor Parfitt will be the keynote speaker. At this symposium, Malagasy people will discuss their historic roots and renowned scholars who study Lost Tribes of Israel will speak. The 10-day program will conclude with a musical exchange between Malagasies and visiting performers. A filmmaker will document these historic events.


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If you have already donated, thank you!!! If not, your contribution would mean the world to us. Every amount helps. So please take time today to help make our first Kulanu crowdfunding campaign a huge success! We already have over 80 donors and over $4000 in donations in this campaign.
We ask for your support and please share on social media or e-mail!