Honoring Yaakov Gladstone, August 12, New York City

Kulanu has awarded Yaakov Gladstone a Lifetime Achievement Certificate (see below) recognizing his tireless work in the cause of Jewish Diversity. He has developed assistance programs for the Jews of Belmonte, Portugal, the Jews of Uganda and Ghana, and many others. He was the founder of Hatzaad Harishon (the First Step) in the 1960s in New York, a group that brought together black and white Jews. He led active Kulanu chapters in New York and Florida for many years. The Reconstructionist Rabbinical College has an annual Yaakov Gladstone Award for Fine Teaching which “honors Yaakov Gladstone whose life exemplifies fine teaching in the fullest sense.”

Please join us on Wed., August 12 in New York for dessert and coffee the home of Harriet Bograd, President of Kulanu. For more information please contact Harriet,  harriet @ kulanu . org  (omit the spaces).