Get Involved with Kulanu

Check out our Getting Involved Page for lots of ideas on how you can support Kulanu. Here are a few:

Make a donation

Create a fundraising page for you or your team at

Check out our volunteer opportunities

Help spread the word by becoming a fan of Kulanu’s on Facebook.

Invite a Kulanu speaker
 to your community. We are delighted that we now have additional speakers available: Rabbi Bonita Sussman on the Bene Ephraim of India, and board members Judy Manelis or Barbara Vinick on Kulanu’s work with Jewish communities around the world.

Spread the word about our bar/bat mitzvah program

– send us your address and let us know how many brochures you would like to distribute.

We appreciate your support of Kulanu’s work with Jewish communities around the world!


Harriet Bograd, President