El Salvador Wish List

Can you help the emerging Jewish community of Anousim in Armenia, El Salvador, find books and Jewish ritual objects? They observe Sephardic Orthodox practice and could use daily, weekly and high holy day prayer books and blessings after meals (preferably Spanish and Hebrew – some copies with transliteration). They also need tefillin and mezuzot and two copies of a Tikkun for Torah-readers (Hebrew only).  If you have access to these items, please contact Rabbi Aaron Rehberg (in Israel) at elsalvador <at> kulanu {dot}o rg

To learn more about the Anousim…

"Anousim in Spain, with the family tree." Photo by Michael Freund, shavei.org

For resources on the history of the Anousim and their current struggles to be accepted into mainstream Jewry, see the Anousim community page on Kulanu’s web site:


Thank you for your efforts to memorialize the events surrounding the Inquisition, and to honor the struggles of the Anousim today. Please pass this on through email, Facebook, or Twitter!   Here’s a short link to this info: