April 2016 Update!
Yehudah Kimani of Kenya to Visit US
Kulanu is delighted to announce that Yehudah Kimani of Kenya will be visiting the United States this spring and summer! His visit is being coordinated by Alan Pransky. Click here for information about the visit. If you would like to host Yehudah or if you’d like to ask him to speak in your community please go here!
For more information about Yehudah Kimani’s community, visit www.kulanu.org/kenya, or Yehudah’s Facebook page here.
We hope this trip will allow Yehudah to get to know new people who want to support his community, and meet and thank the people who have already been supporting them.
Modreck Maeresera of Zimbabwe is in Israel
Modreck Maeresera, leader of the Lemba Jewish Community in Zimbabwe, is in Israel this spring studying at Rabbi Riskin’s yeshiva in Efrat. Read below about Modreck’s experience in his own words. If you’d like to meet with Modreck or other leaders from Kulanu communities who are studying in Israel, please send a note to kulanu.org/contact.
Kulanu is always moved when people take it upon themselves to fundraise in order to support the communities we partner with. We currently have two personal fundraising pages we’d like to highlight:
Gabe Gershowitz is fundraising to support the Michael Gershowitz Guest House in Ghana, which will be named in memory of Gabe’s late father, z”l, who was Kulanu’s first coordinator for Ghana. The Michael Gershowitz Guest House will better enable the Sefwi Wiawso to welcome visitors and maintain a strong connection with the wider Jewish community. You can donate to his page here!
Nili Salem and Rav Keith Flaks enjoyed their experience celebrating Passover in Zimbabwe so much last year, they have decided to do it again this year in India. They have created a personal fundraising page to help with their Seder with the Bnei Efraim in India. You can donate to their page here!
Thanks for reading our latest Update – I hope you enjoyed it.
Please forward this email to your family and friends, colleagues, and anyone else who has an interest in the global Jewish community. Thank you so much!
And be sure to connect with us on –
- Facebook: facebook.com/kulanu
- Twitter: twitter.com/kulanu_inc
- YouTube: youtube.com/kulanuvideo
- Blog: kulanu.org/blog