50+ Communities Celebrated Kulanu Across the Globe

In honor of Kulanu’s 25th Anniversary, more than 50 communities on five continents – Africa, Asia, Europe, South and Latin America, and North America – celebrated the work of Kulanu and deepened their understanding and appreciation of Jewish communities around the globe.

Each celebration was tailored by the community and used the resources supplied by Kulanu, which included a variety of videos, music, photographs, a talk, and readings, to showcase the unique aspects of Jewish communities worldwide.

You can continue the celebration by viewing videos and photos from the events that took place!

Watch the d’var Torah by Harriet Bograd, Kulanu’s President.

Shared from around the world: Videos | Photos

For additional information about the materials and events held, please visit kulanu.org/katg. Groups can use these materials to plan a Kulanu-related event at any time in the future.