2020 Kulanu Impact Stories – Projects in Zimbabwe

Dear Friends,

As 2020 comes to a close we are reflecting on Kulanu’s accomplishments this year, supporting Jewish communities around the globe. Today’s story is about how donations are making an impact in Zimbabwe.

From printing a tri-lingual Passover Haggadah to recording additional original Shabbat service music with Lemba tunes, Kulanu has supported the Jewish community in Zimbabwe in synthesizing modern Jewish practice with their ancient Lemba-Jewish language and culture.

We are looking forward with all of the help that we are getting from Kulanu to establish more congregations in the countryside where most of the Lemba live. We will keep on growing thanks to Kulanu and thanks to its members. The Lemba tribe is on its way to fully reconnect with modern Judaism,” shared Modreck Maeresera, Community Leader (Modreck’s mother and her two grandchildren are pictured.)

In addition, Kulanu is assisting with an ongoing water conservation project to grow food in Bedza, a rural region of the country where many Lemba live, to support the local Jewish community as well as those living in the capital city of Harare.

Kulanu needs your help to continue its support of our many international partner communities like the Lemba so that they can continue to grow and flourish.

Please donate online now or send a check to Kulanu, c/o Harriet Bograd (address below) to secure Kulanu’s future! If you have already given, thank you!

Consider making a multi-year donation or a regular monthly gift that will allow us to efficiently plan for the future.

Thank you for being part of “all of us”!

Warm regards,
and “all of us” at Kulanu

Harriet Bograd, President
165 West End Ave 3R
New York, NY, 10023