Thank you so much for being a Community Partner for our Zoom-a-thon: Kulanu in Song Chanukah Benefit.
Please use the following materials to promote the program to your group. We will continue to update this webpage as the event gets closer.
If you’d like to request additional materials, please contact Molly Levine, our Communications Manager, at
Please share this link: (This webpage lists event details and how to register.)
Kulanu’s Social Media Channels (Please share posts about the event! See additional sample posts and images below.)
Facebook | Twitter | Instagram | YouTube
Event Logo
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Social Media Images
Don’t forget to include our hashtag #kulanuinsong in your promotion of the event.
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Sample Text
We are so excited to be a community partner for the Kulanu in Song Chanukah Benefit! This program celebrates the music of Kulanu’s partner communities across the globe, from Guatemala, Zimbabwe, Madagascar, Indonesia, and more! The event will be live on Facebook and Zoom on both Tuesday, December 15 at 8 pm EST and Thursday, December 17, at 1 pm EST. Don’t miss this special celebration of the festival of lights! More details at
We are so excited to be a community partner for the Kulanu in Song Chanukah Benefit! The event will feature recordings of people around the world singing their own Jewish music to raise awareness that Jewish communities, no matter how far they may be, are all inter-connected. The event will be live on Facebook and Zoom on both Tuesday, December 15 at 8 pm EST and Thursday, December 17, at 1 pm EST. Don’t miss this special celebration of the festival of lights! More details at
Event Flyer
Click here for a larger version to use.