Online Speaker Series Sponsorship

Thank you for your interest in sponsoring our Online Speaker Series.  We are so excited to bring this wonderful opportunity to our Kulanu friends.

Honor our Online Speakers!  All sponsors will be listed during the online session (except for the Ghana session) and on our website. Please indicate which session(s) you are sponsoring when listing the name(s) of the sponsor(s) on the form below. 

Please use the form below to donate online. You can also send a check in US dollars payable to Kulanu to Harriet Bograd, President, Kulanu Inc, 165 West End Ave Apt 3R, New York, NY, 10023, USA.  If donating by mail, please fill out the form at with your sponsorship information in the message.

As a thank you, all sponsors will receive a copy of “Under One Canopy,” edited by Karen Primack.  (Please indicate on the form below if you DO NOT want to receive the book. Thanks!)

Click here to sign up to attend! (You can also include questions for the speakers on this form.)