Nathan P. Devir is Assistant Professor of Jewish Studies, Religious Studies, and Comparative Literary and Cultural Studies at the University of Utah, where he also directs that institution’s Middle East Center and Religious Studies Program. His publications include the following: a monograph, New Children of Israel: Emerging Jewish Communities in an Era of Globalization (University of Utah Press, 2017); chapters in The Shadow of Moses: New Jewish Movements in Africa and the Diaspora (eds. Daniel Lis, William F. S. Miles, and Tudor Parfitt, African Academic Press/Marymount Institute Press/Tsehai Publishers, 2016); Becoming Jewish: New Jews and Emerging Jewish Communities in a Globalized World (eds. Netanel Fisher and Tudor Parfitt, Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2016); and Chaim Potok: Confronting Modernity through the Lens of Tradition (ed. Daniel Walden, The Pennsylvania State University Press, 2013); and essays in the Journal of the Middle East and Africa, Biblical Reception, Jewish Culture and History, the Journal of Feminist Studies in Religion, the Journal of Modern Jewish Studies, Nashim, Religion and the Arts, Studies in American Jewish Literature, among other scholarly venues.