Emanuela Trevisan Semi

Emanuela Trevisan Semi is professor of Modern Hebrew and Jewish Studies at Ca� Foscari University in Venice. She has published many books and articles about Jewish contemporary movements, Judaizing movements, Jewish diaspora in the Mediterranean, Jews in Ethiopia and Morocco, Modern Hebrew Literature and Mizrahi Literature. She has also organized many conferences on Israeli Literature and on the Mediterranean countries and edited and published the proceedings in a special series (Quaderni di Merifor). Among the publications are: Les Caraites: un autre Judaisme, Paris, Albin Michel 1992 (reedited with a new postface, Paris, Harmattan, 2013), L’epistolario di Taamrat Emmanuel: un intellettuale ebreo d’Etiopia nella prima met� del XX secolo/ La correspondance de Taamrat Emmanuel: intellectuel juif d’Ethiopie dans la premi�re moiti� du XX�me si�cle ( Torino, L’Harmattan Italia, 2000 ), Judaising movements, London, Curzon, 2002 (with Tudor Parfitt), Leggere Yehoshua (Torino, Einaudi 2006), Le migrazioni nel Mediterraneo, Bologna, Il Ponte, 2006, Jacques Faitlovitch and the Jews of Ethiopia, London, Vallentine Mitchell, 2007, (with Hanane Sekkat Hatimi), M�moire et repr�sentations des juifs au Maroc: les voisins absents de Mekn�s, Paris, Publisud,), (with Shalva Weil) Beta Israel: The Jews of Ethiopia and Beyond (Venezia, Cafoscarina, 2011), (with Dario Miccoli, Tudor Parfitt) and Memory and Ethnicity, Ethnic Museums in Israel and the Diaspora, Cambridge, Cambridge Scholars Publishers, 2013.