Four questions in Shona (Zimbabwe)

Manheru ano akasiyana sei nemamwe masiku? (   Why is this night different from all other nights? )

  Mamwe manheru ese pagore tinodya chingwa kana Matzah asi usiku huno tinodya Matzah yoga? (  Why is it that on all other nights during the year we eat either bread or matzah, but on this night we eat only matzah? )
  Why is it that on all other nights we eat all kinds of vegetables, but on this night we eat bitter herbs?
 Sei tichiti mamwe manheru ese tinodya miriwo yakasiyana siyana , asi manheru ano tinodya midzi, nemiriwo inovava?
4) Why is it that on all other nights we eat either sitting or reclining, as we choose, but on this night we eat in a reclining position?
 Sei tichiti mamwe masiku ese tinogara zvetinoda , kungave takadekara kana kwete, asi usiku huno, tinodya takadekara?