The Abayudaya Jewish Community
and Kulanu
Perform a mitzvah with every cup!
Drink Fair Trade Kosher Mirembe Kawomera* Ugandan Coffee. Grown in the hills of beautiful Mt. Elgon by Abayudaya Jewish coffee farmers and their neighbors. Available exclusively from The Thanksgiving Coffee Company.
Order now: (800) 648 6491
Kosher light, dark, decaf and espresso roasts, ground or whole bean
*Mirembe Kawomera means “delicious peace” in Luganda, a Ugandan language. 400 Jewish, Muslim and Christian farm families, organized by Abayudaya Jewish farmer J.J. Keki, live and work in greater dignity when you drink kosher, delicious Mirembe Kawomera Ugandan Coffee.
Drinking Fair Trade certified coffee is tikkun olam “repair of the world” at work! Fair Trade certified means that these small-scale African farmers earn a guaranteed living wage for their fine coffee regardless of world market fluctuations. Click here for more information.
Drink great coffee and support African Jewish farmers and their neighbors! Please serve Mirembe Kawomera Coffee in your home, organizations, offices, and at all your events. Use colorful Mirembe Kawomera Coffee bags as party gifts. Buy coffee retail for home use and gift giving or wholesale for your organizational use and fund raising.
Want to double the mitzvah? Kulanu (“all of us” in Hebrew) a grassroots, all-volunteer, Jewish charitable organization and the Abayudaya Jewish Community initiated this African peace/economic development project working two years bringing it to fruition. You can use Mirembe Kawomera Coffee to help other Kulanu-Abayudaya humanitarian projects in Uganda. Here’s how: order wholesale from (800) 648-6491 and your own group can sell delicious Mirembe Kawomera Coffee at retail mark up to raise donation funds for other Kulanu-Abayudaya mitzvah projects. Send your tax-deductible donations to: Kulanu, Inc, 165 West End Ave, 3R, NYC, NY 10023. Write “coffee” in the memo.
Thank you! Project information call: (413) 634-5617
Please tell others! Endorse the Mirembe Kawomera coffee project and help publicize it. Advocate for its support with your varied members and constituencies and with other institutions and organizations through your newsletters, websites, email, listservs etc.
Please ask your favorite food stores to carry Mirembe Kawomera Ugandan Coffee! Download a pdf flyer and bring it to them.
Available only from
Thanksgiving Coffee Company, Fort Bragg, California (800) 648 6491
Thanks for your support of a better world!