As part of his bar mitzvah project, Jonathan Popper (left), from Rochester, New York, raised funds for the Asociación Judía Reformista de Guatemala Adat Israel in Guatemala, a Kulanu partner community since 2012. The following is an excerpt from his bar mitzvah speech. Thank you, Jonathan, for leading the effort to help this community acquire the needed supplies and furniture for the children. (Learn more about the Guatemalan community here.)
If your child is considering a bar/bat mitzvah project and would like to work with one of our partner communities, please .
In His Words: Excerpt from Jonathan’s Bar Mitzvah Speech
Mom and Dad and I have talked a lot about honoring our heritage, from all its directions. We eat a variety of foods from around the world to honor all the many places our ancestors have traveled. We talked about my bar mitzvah as a time to bring together my heritage, as Jewish, as Guatemalan, and as African-American. That is why my tallit and kippah are from MayaWorks. They make fair-trade tallitot, kippot, and many items for the home. MayaWorks promotes economic justice for women in Guatemala. Also, my mitzvah project is learning about a progressive and inclusive Jewish congregation in Guatemala City called Adat Israel, and raising money for them. They are growing and need more benches for seating, a play and learning area for the children, and a Ner Tamid for their ark. Because of where they are, they do not have access to many Jewish foods or items we can get here, so this money will help them with that. I am designing a tablecloth to send to them to use for their kiddush table after services. I have sent emails back and forth with Jeannette Orantes, the president of the congregation, and with Rabbi Elyse Goldstein, the rabbi who is helping them.

From Jonathan’s Mom, Paula Popper:
It was very gratifying for our whole family to explore Jonathan’s heritage, share our own, and then discover this wonderful congregation in Guatemala. We do plan a visit, but it will likely take us a couple of years to put that together. Jonathan is still working on part of the project. We are pleased to be able to help out in meaningful ways and that so much about the congregation was shared with us.