Ethiopia Wish List

You can help three communities in the secret synagogues in Ethiopia who are currently suffering from lack of food and other basic needs. Your money will go far in Ethiopia.

We plan to provide these communities in need with both short-term emergency aid so that they can feed their elderly and children, and with long-term development to avoid a famine situation in the future. You can see below how your donation can make a measurable difference to the survival of these Jewish communities.


(and write “Ethiopia” in the comments field.)

Ethiopia: 2018 Wish List

  • $36: purchase two breeding chickens
  • $80: purchase one pregnant female sheep
  • $200: feed a small synagogue community of 50 people for a month
  • $525: purchase a flock of 10 female sheep and 1 male sheep for one synagogue community
  • $1,100: provide clothing for a medium-sized synagogue community of 64 people
  • $2,300: repair the leaking roof of a synagogue
  • $3,500: build one flour mill  
  • $4,250: feed a large synagogue of 85 people for a year

Please let your friends know you have donated!